Posts tagged ‘faith’

January 11, 2011

“The Son is the image of the invisible God,
the first-born over all creation”
Colossians 1: 15


Image is important to me. I am an artist. I deal with how people read, interpret, and view things. While I personally work with landscapes and gardens, aesthetics is my job. Beauty is important, God created a beautiful creation for us and appointed a Son, both man and divine, to live a tough life, to die a horrific death, in order to be resurrected for the salvation of His beautiful bride, the church.

It seems, unfortunately, that many people who deal with beauty miss the importance of our Creator. It also seems, that a lot of Christians miss the importance of beauty. Magazines, whether for home, garden, or “personal vanity” (fashion/beauty) are over flowing with elegant clothes, pictures, layouts, text, etc. but lack important and God-glorifying content. I feel that for the most part, Christian magazines and resources focus a lot on the importance of the content but not on how it is presented. They should go hand-in-hand.

My wonderful mother stumbled across this magazine in the grocery store today. I’ve flipped through it and I am very impressed with the layout, photos, and pure elegance of the imagery. I am also happy to find that life:beautiful is a magazine for women that will point them to God as well as to beauty in the home, on the table, and in their daily lives. A lot of times such efforts lead us to silly and cheesy works, but this is truly a wonderful magazine for discerning women of God. It may not be cutting edge, but I do think it is very well done. I look forward to reading it cover to cover and I will be on the look out for the next edition.

We, as daughters of the Creator, should recognize that his creative spirit lives in us. We should not be ashamed of it or lazy about it. Create beauty and do it to the Glory of the Savior.